Now start a text editor to enter your personal settings into this text file, save it and start the varstars program.
If the program is not running, you may need to compiler
the source code. Change into the varstars direcoty
and execute make total.
The main window includes all paremeter of the loaded star.
You can easily change the parameters after a mouse click into the items.
To load a star please use the
Star Selection Box.
For every sun spot counting you can enter the date, number of groups and
number of single spots. The relative index is calculated as
10 * groups + spots .
Simple scrolling can be done by entering the letters of the constellation.
Press the escape key to delete the search string.
For every selected constellation the right list includes all stars. Again
you can select a star by mouse or cursor keys. Press the OK button or the
Return key to load the stars data.
Select "Neu" to create a new data file for a star. The next dialog asks for
the constellation name and the name of the star.
All data files are named by the three letter name of the constellation and
the index of the star.
xamples: CAST for T Cas, SGRV1059 for star V1059 in Sgr
and MUSN1998 for the nova of the year 1998 in constellation Muscae.
If a stars data is loaded, another window opens and presents all
observations of the star.
3. Functions
3.1 The Main Window
After starting the main window is opened. On the top a menu bar can be used to
select a function with the mouse. Most functions are available via short cuts.
3.1.1 Notes for sun spot counting
The sun spot data resists in file sonne.stv.
To add data please start the program from a shell:
varstars sonne .
The editing can be done only in a terminal window.
3.2 Star Selection Box
The Star Selection Box includes two lists: in the left one all available
constellations are given. Select one via mouse and cursor keys.
3.3 Star Parameter
The following data can be entered for a variable star.
It is possible to extract them from the
General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS) via the File menu.
3.4 Observations
Anzeige der nach dem Datum sortierten Liste der Beobachtungen in
einem eigenen Fenster. Durch die Auswahl einer Beobachtung mit der
Maus oder den Cursortasten kann diese gelöscht oder bearbeitet
werden. Ein Doppelklick auf eine Beobachtung führt ebenfalls
zur Bearbeitung, bei der bis auf das Beobachtungsdatum alle Angaben
verändert werden können.
Ein weitere Button führt zur Neueingabe.
Select visual, photographical, unknown (used for other observers
than the default observer).
In a special dialog some information to the observers can be edited:
Name, EMail, Address, Instruments.
This data is stored in file observers.lst in the data directory.
File organisation.lst includes information of the different
observing groups (e.g. AAVSO, AFOEV and BAV).
A file with VSNET mails or likewise formated observations can be scanned
for stars with existing STV data files. All detected observations are
imported, using an averaging of all observations in a given time (in
days, default is 0.6 days and can be changed for every single star).
See the default parameter DeltaT for every star and the start
variable IMPORT_DELTA_T.
Akzeptable Daten-Zeilen sind von der Form "D* N H" oder
"N D H", wobei N den Sternnamen (z.B. "T Cas", "CasT" oder "Cas T")
darstellt. Die Zuordnung von Sternname zu einem STV-File kann auch
über eine Aliasbildung erfolgen.
Datum D und Helligkeit H werden bezüglich N orientiert.
H sollte in Magnituden angegeben sein (z.B. "9.8"), wird bei größeren
Werten aber auch in 0.1 Magnituden akzeptiert (z.B. "98").
Das Datum D* steht z.B. für "19960822.1234",
während D zusätzlich "960822.1234", "0822.1234" und "22.1234"
sowie das Julianische Datum mit sieben bzw. mit fünf (24xxxxx)
Vorkommaziffern akzeptiert. Die fehlenden Ziffern werden entsprechend
dem aktuellen Datum ergänzt.
Es erscheint ein Fenster mit einer Liste aller gefundenen und
als "unbekannt" integrierten Beobachtungen, so daß eine
Kontrolle über die Daten erfolgen kann. Mit dem Button Sort
kann die Liste sortiert werden.
After the scan the data file name can be renamed into
name.scanned optionally. It is possible to scan the file for a single
star only. The entered name must be equal to the name in the data file!
Bei der AFOEV
sind lange Beobachtungsreihen für einzelne Sterne erhältlich,
die an dieser Stelle in VARSTARS integriert werden können.
Ein Beispiel fuer das von der AFOEV verwendete Format ist:
FID50512.5 85H
Lots of observers are sending their observations in a default format
to the AAVSO.
Both formats (*.RAW and *.SUM) can be scanned by VARSTARS via this
Additionally the import is possible from free formats. In this case
the first line of the data file must describe the format. All columns
with useful information must be marked by one of the following characters:
3.5 View
Die Beobachtungsdaten werden entsprechend dem Datum eines
Maximums und der Periodenlänge überlagert, so daß
die Verlaufskurve einer Periode entsteht.
After opening the window the last period up to the recent date is
displayed. Use the cursor keys to scroll through the time (left
and right). The up key jumps to the last period, the down key displays
all observations.
Moving the mouse pointer in the window will display the corresponding
date and magnitude.
Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse to select a new zoomed
time range.
The following keys have special funtions:
Some of this functions are available via buttons in the window.
Key Function + half time range - double time range, center stays a Enter attributes for the lightcurve display:
Range of magnitudes, range of date,
averaging single observations,
selection of observer groups and single
observers with definition of different
colors and forms (circle or square)
d print the lightcurve e set last date to today h best brightness display n display of negative observations on/off r round dates s store the graphics
(see Settings) t theoretical lightcurve on/off u unknown observers on/off
Whenever a STE-File with information about dates of minima and maxima exists, a O-C diagram can be painted to the ephemerides of the
given period and time.
Die Sterndaten werden mit vorgegebenen Veränderlichentypen
verglichen und mögliche passende Typen angezeigt. Außerdem
erscheinen die Daten des nächsten Maximums und Minimums.
Simple period detection, not yet completed.
Enter the range of observation time and default display.
Select the time zone (Universal time, middle european time and
summertime), the dates format (standard, time in decimals, julian date)
and the default date for entering observations (free, yesterday or now).
3.6 Messages to BAV, AAVSO, AFOEV and VSNET
Es können die Daten von Maxima und Minima für eine Auswahl von
Sternen berechnet, sortiert und ausgegeben bzw. gedruckt werden.
Bei Sternen mit einer Maximumdauer von über 0.5 Perioden erscheint
nur das Minimum in der Liste, bei allen anderen Sternen Maximum
und Minimum.
Damit ist es leicht möglich, eine Beobachtungsnacht für kurz-
periodische Sterne zu planen.
Create a HTML page (file <sternname>.html)
with information about the loaded star and a lightcurve.
The files star_head.html and star_tail.html are used
for the head and tail of the output file.
Every %NAME% is replaced by the star name
and every %FILE% by the star's filename.
Create a list of all observations of the loaded star
in VSNET-form in the file "(name).lst".
Either only the observations of the standard observer are used, or
all observations are stored.
Create a list of all observations for the given observer. If the observer
code field is empty, the observations of the default observer
with a not-empty comment are exported.
The list is stored in VSNET form in file "vsnet.lst".
The following notes are added to the name of the star, observation date
and brightness: ":" for unsure observations, "ident." for problems
during star identification AAVSO key "I", "outburst" for key "Y"
Create a list for all observed stars with not-empty comment
in the given month. Optional a daily report is possible.
This list can be printed into the AAVSO form or without form
for the BAV. The storage is done for AAVSO in "XXXMMMJJ.raw" and
"XXXMMMJJ.sum" and for the AFOEV ("afoev.lst") and the BAV.
A lightcurve for the BAV is created. When printing, the single observations are given.
The text item is analysed and stored in a file, the item must be in format "Max 24512345.67 mit 8.9mag".
Create the file vs_lp.html with all magnitudes in a weekly
average for all stars with a selected HTML field. Calculation of the
month of the next maximum.
Start and end of the HTML file will be taken from vs_head.html
and vs_tail.html. Every %NAME% is replaced by the star's name.
Another file vs_alert.html is created for activities of cataklysmic stars. Header and footer are read from vs_head_alert.html and vs_tail_alert.html.
3.7 Others
Diese Funktion überträgt die Angaben im General Catalogue
of Variable Stars in die entsprechenden Parameter
des geladenen Sterns. Es werden die GCVS-Formate der Jahre 1989 und
2001 unterstuetzt, bei letzterem muss das GCVS-File iii.dat heissen!
Im Chart-Fenster lassen sich die VSNET-Charts im Format *.cht grafisch
darstellen und ausdrucken. Mit einem Schieberegler wird die Grenzhelligkeit
der sichtbaren Sterne eingestellt. Durch die beiden Zoom-Buttons und die
Schieberegler am Rand der Grafik können Ausschnittvergrößerungen
durchgeführt werden.
4. Starting the program
4.1 Parameters
The follwing parameters can be set when starting VARSTARS:
vs <-D[ttmmjj|ttt|*]>
Parameter | Function |
Dttmmjj | use this date when entering observations |
Dttt | difference to the recent date (e.g. 0 for today or 1 for yesterday [default]) |
D* | Real time for observation entering |
f[bdj] | Format of the date (standard as default), decimal or julanic |
n- | don't display negative observations |
n+ | display negative observations (default) |
zu | Timezome UT |
zm | Timezone MEZ (default for November to March) |
zs | Timezone MESZ (default for April to October) |
o[observercode] | use this observer code when entering observations |
O[observercode] | observer information to console |
K. | Change "," to ".", so "9,1" is read as "9.1". |
SB[<art>] |
Neueingabe von Beobachtungen in einer "Endlosschleife", die bei
der Angabe eines "leeren" Sternnamens abgebrochen wird. Der Sternname
muß mit dem Prefix des Filenamens übereinstimmen
(z.B. "andr" für das File "andr.stv" oder "CasT" für das
File "CasT.stv"). Die Eingabe des Datums kann entsprechend der Kommandozeilenparametern "D" und "f" verkürzt erfolgen. Es reichen also die Uhrzeit bzw. die Nachkommastellen. Im Falle der Echtzeiteingabe "D*" fällt die Datumseingabe ganz weg. Helligkeit und Bemerkungen werden wie üblich eingegeben. AAVSO-Keys müssen mit Großbuchstaben an den Anfang der Bemerkung gesetzt werden. Die Beobachtungsart läßt sich mit dem optionalen Parameter <art> einstellen (0=unbekannt, 1=visuell, 2=fotogr.). Voreingestellt ist der Wert 1. |
SC[<name>] | Open the chart viewer with chart of star "name". Main window is not opened! |
SH[parameter0,parameter1,...] | Create HTML information page for the given star and a lightcurve for the last "periods" (per=N) or in date range (date0=x,date1=x) in the defined graphical format. The date can be in format DD.MM.YYYY or as Julian date 245xxxxx. Include observer group (group=N) with display form (groupform=N) and/or single observers (obs[0-2]=CODE,obs[0-2]from=N). All observations can be stored in a text file (listobs=1). |
SM <year(4 digits)> <month(2 digits)> <[A(+)B(+)F]> | Create montly reports for AAVSO (A), AFOEV (F), BAV (B). Use "A+" or "B+" to print AAVSO- or BAV-lists. |
ST <days> | Create VSNET report for the last days (default=1). |
SV<dayavg> | Scan a VSNET report file and average all observations with delta=0.6 days or with "dayavg". A list with all scanned and included observations is printed to stderr. |
SX<helligkeit><-tage><+tage><*wochen> | Create list of maxima of long period stars (Files vs_lp.html and vs_lp.txt) for a number of weeks and for maxima, which happen in the given range of days. Another file is created for cataclysmic stars in outburst: vs_alert.html. All files of type HTML can be created with a free defined header and footer, which are taken from vs_head.html and vs_head.html or from vs_head_alert.html and vs_tail_alert.html. |
CB | Create BAV database |
CG[filename] |
Create all data files (*.stv) for the stars,
which are listed in the given file. Every
line includes a star in the AAVSO format:
"dddd+dd nn ccc" (Designation, Name,
e.g. "1037+69 R UMA".
The data are taken from the GCVS, if this
catalogue is found in the defined path.
Ist kein filename angegeben, so erzeugt die Funktion Datenfiles zu allen Sternen aus dem GCVS und uebernimmt die Sterndaten. Ist filename = ",T=aemspb,M=mag,A=min~max,P=min~max,D=min~max", so werden nur die passenden Sterne erzeugt: Alle Typen (T=a), Eruptive (T=u, Kombination mit anderen Typen moeglich), Mira (T=m), Halbregelmaessige (T=s), Kurzperiodische (T=r), Bedeckungsveraenderliche (T=e), mindeste maximale Helligkeit der Sterns M=mag, minimale und maximale Amplitude in Magnituden (A=min~max). Bereich der Periode in Tagen (P=min~max), Deklination der Sterne in Grad (D=min~max) |
The star name given as AndR at the program start loads the star's
data, e.g. vs andr loads the data fiel or star R And.
4.2 ~/.varstarrc
File ~/.varstarrc includes variables which are read at the program
start. The textfile uses the syntax "VARIABLE value", all characters after
a ";" are taken as a comment.
Some variables are markes in column RC and written into the file
at the program shutdown.
Variable | RC | Meaning |
AAVSO | - | AAVSO observer code |
AFOEV | - | AFOEV observer code |
ALIAS | - |
Alias für VSNET-Daten: "ALIAS original = muster" Z.B. bewirkt "ALIAS cetmira = cetomicron" die Umwandlung des Namens "CetOmicron" in "CetMira", so daß die Helligkeit von "CetOmicron" in das File cetmira.stv geschrieben wird. Für ein Original können auch mehrere Muster durch mehrere ALIAS-Zeilen gesetzt werden. Eingebaut sind bereits die Umwandlungen von "[Sternbild] NOVA xxxx" bzw. "NOVA [Sternbild] xxxx" nach "[Stb]Nxxxx". |
AUTOSCAN_VSNET | - | if VSNET data file P_VSNET is existing at the program start, all included data are scanned and integrated into the data base |
BAV | - | BAV observer code |
CITY | - | City (for AAVSO report) |
COUNTRY | - | Country (for AAVSO report) |
DR_SPALTEN | * | Einschub-Spalten für Drucken der Monatsübersicht; bei Wertänderung |
DR_ZEILEN | * | Einschub-Zeilen für Drucken der Monatsübersicht; bei Wertänderung |
GRAFIK_FONT | - | The graphical display uses this font. |
GRAFIK_FORMAT | - | "0" or "gif" for Compuserve-GIF, "1" or "bmp" for Windows-Bitmap, "2" or "ppm" for PPM, "3" or "ps" for Adobe-Postscript |
GRAFIK_X | - | Width of the graphical display in pixel |
GRAFIK_Y | - | Height of the graphical display in pixel |
IMPORT_DELTA_T | - | Default value for averaging beim Datenimport |
INSTR | - | Instruments (for AAVSO report) |
LANGUAGE | - | Language de or en (default) |
LINK_IMG | - | Address of the image link for HTML output |
- |
automatically sending of monthly reports to AAVSO or AFOEV
or daily reports to VSNET;
this variable is the command to send an email, e.g. mail -s 'vis.obs.' vsnet-obs@ceres.kusastro.kyoto-u.ac.jp |
OBS | - | Name of the default observer |
P_BAV | - | Path to the BAV database |
P_CHART | - | Path to the cart files |
P_GCVS | - | Path and name of the GCVS file |
P_OBSERVER | - | Path to the observers list file (observer.lst) |
P_ORGANISATION | - | Path to the organisation file (oganisation.lst) |
P_OUT | - | Path to the created output files |
P_STV | - | Path to the star data files (*.stv) |
P_TMP | - | Path for temporary data files |
P_VSNET | - | Path/name of VSNET file |
- | Shell command for printing | |
PRINT_INS_X | - | Einschub an Pixelspalten beim Drucken |
PRINT_INS_Y | - | Einschub an Zeilen beim Drucken |
STREET | - | Street (for AAVSO report) |
VSNET_IDENT | - | VSNET-Bericht mit I-Flag-Beobachtungen |
VSNET_NEGATIV | - | VSNET-Bericht mit negativen Beobachtungen |
WINPOS | * |
Position und Größe von Fenster.
Die Syntax der Variablen lautet WP_* <X (oben links)> <Y (oben links)> <Breite> <Höhe> |
WP_BAV_LK | * | BAV Lightcurve Sheet window |
WP_BEOB | * | Observations list window |
WP_CHART | * | Chart window |
WP_HELLGRAF | * | Lightcurve window |
WP_PHASE | * | Phase window |
ZIP | - | Zip-Code (for AAVSO reports) |
Minima and maxima are stored in files of type STE.
Each line includes the information of one analyzed result:
Type Date Mag ObserverCode Comment.
The type is 0 for a minimum and 1 for a maximum.
News of the program development (NEWS)
For questions and hints please ask the author:
B. Shareware / Author
All users of VARSTARS please send me a shareware charge of 9.99 Euro
and the filled registration form register.txt.
All registered users will receive an email ig a new version is available.
Plesseweg 77
37120 Bovenden
Tel.: 0551-2733062